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The phrase “live for today” is quite popular. It has been in our vocabulary for a long time, and we use it without thinking. If you ask someone the question: “Do you live for today?”, then the overwhelming majority of people will confidently answer in the affirmative. If from the point of view of the average person everything is clear and obvious, then my training in psychology, as well as experience in consulting clients, makes me look at this issue from a different perspective. I’ll give two examples: A girl has been divorced for several years, but she still has a lot of claims, accusations and grievances against her ex-husband. She often remembers and replays episodes of their life together in her head. The good ones evoke nostalgia and sadness for those days, while the bad ones evoke anger and resentment. These memories and emotions take a lot of vital energy from the present and place it in the past. Due to the peculiarities of upbringing in childhood, a man has a pronounced character trait - “achievement”. He constantly sets ambitious goals for himself in business and career, works long and hard to achieve them, and when he achieves them, he devalues ​​his success and immediately sets himself a new benchmark for the future. All his thoughts are only there, so there is always no time for rest, relationships and his health. It is obvious that he is fixating exclusively on some ideal future, and ignoring the bright colors of life that could be in his present. And there are a great many such stories. As we can see from the above examples, both by fixating on the past and the future, a person deprives himself of the joy of receiving pleasure from his present life. At the same time, I am not saying that remembering the past or planning the future is bad. In this matter, as in any other, balance and awareness are important. The life of any person consists of both “white” and “black stripes”. Awareness allows you to enjoy life when everything is fine and at the same time find strength and courage to confront difficulties and troubles. One of the greats said: “Our life consists of yesterday, today and tomorrow.” Yesterday has already passed, and nothing can be changed about it, tomorrow may not come, so live here and now. Brilliant, right? Indeed it is! There is one very “strong” and “sobering” book “Five Revelations about Life”, authored by Bronny Verknige. I highly recommend reading it! The author of the book devoted part of her life to working in a hospice and had many conversations with people who were only a few days away from their death. If anyone is interested, you can find and read this book. I will simply list these revelations that B. Verknige came to. What do people regret before they die: 1. I didn’t have the courage to live the way I wanted; 2. Too much time and effort spent on work;3. They were afraid to show their feelings; 4. Relationships with friends have not been maintained; 5. They didn't allow themselves to be happy. Therefore, it is so important to remember that a person only has one life. And how to live it is everyone’s choice. In my opinion, being stuck in the past or future for a long time is not the best solution. I don’t remember the author, but I liked the idea that you will never be 20, 40 or 60 for a second time, but each age has its advantages. And you can notice them very well and get satisfaction from them if you live “for today”».