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Excellent student syndrome.. You've probably heard this phrase more than once. What is it about? online communication: therapeutic group chat: “Exiting Pain and Addiction into Happiness Together” - Join us! Women who try to be comfortable, women named “It’s necessary, it’s supposed to” + “I try to be good for everyone and always, to do everything perfectly” - a TRIPLE cocktail of attitudes that seem to live in an adult woman with the best intentions and , as it seems to her, should improve her life. The posture of the “Snow Queen” or as if a straight stake had been stuck into her body at full height. She is very even and tense, there is a feeling, like in old photographs at school - hands at the seams..... Thoughts that it is important what people think and therefore the constant self-criticism "what if I said something wrong, what if I am wrong did”, what if people think that I hurt them, offended them... What if I don’t look like that, what if I laugh too loudly... A good, correct girl inside an adult woman, who from the outside can look very successful, correct , adequate and most importantly VERY EDUCATED, but constantly feeling somehow judged by others. No matter how hard SHE tries, if she is next to her, and even worse, her significant other praises someone else, no matter what - SHE feels defective... she never raises her voice, does not say “bad words”, does not speak loudly laughs, doesn’t dance brightly, doesn’t say what she thinks. Where is it and how does she live? We all come from childhood: How did this girl’s parents react to her grades? Where does this fear of not getting an “A” come from in all areas? Overprotectiveness beyond the responsibility of perfectionist parents whose life did not turn out to be an “A” or the attitudes expressed by parents in childhood until the age of 7-8 “look at Katya, she’s great! And again you don’t..” “don’t scream, don’t laugh loudly” “what will people say!” How life is: suppressed emotions leading to self-destruction and decreased self-esteem, extreme sensitivity to criticism and, on this basis, building dependent, painful relationships, primarily for her. Constant fixation on myself (what I think, what I feel, how I look - without answers to these questions) constant fear of evaluation Psychosomatic illnesses from constant patience and attempts to comply with everyone and everything and always. Loss of self and depression, in the desire to constantly catch up with the level others Transfer this script to your children What to do: 1. Of course, it is better to start psychotherapy and practice the skills of a different response (mind, body, emotions) to mistakes and imperfections in life 2. Teach yourself or in therapy relaxation methods 3. Keeping a diary of emotions and self-observation: emotions as an agent of change.4. Elaboration of non-adaptive attitudes. Allowing yourself to be alive, yourself.5. Accept that you don’t owe everything and always like it, work through psychological boundaries and allow yourself not to be perfect! Allow yourself to be happy and real) if you need help, contact https://www.b17.ru/my_new_online.php?p=135110