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From the author: Often people, describing a life situation, say: “I’m going through a bad streak right now. Well, never mind, I hope it will be white soon.” For many, it is common to “paint” life in two colors: black and white; consider that you are either at the very top or deep below; go to extremes: either everything is good, which is even scary, or everything is very bad. Only there is another way, the path of harmony. By opening it, you will learn to be on the wave of life, success, joy and health! Psychology and psychotherapy help you learn to live without going to extremes, to find your best sides and enjoy them, to rejoice in the fact that “I am I,” to catch your wave of life and stay on it. Allow yourself to discover a new you! Feminine energy is the energy of the earth. It is stored inside a woman, like in a vessel. This energy is spent during communication and intimacy with a man, during pregnancy and birth of children. But it can also be spent on any other aspects of life, for example, creativity or career, spiritual growth or comprehension of magical practices. This energy can accumulate, it is controlled by a woman. However, it often happens in life that a woman has to act on male energies. In this case, the ratio of male and female energies turns out to be approximately this: 70% male energy and 30% female. What happens when a woman acts on male energies? If there are problems with energy, two main types of women can be distinguished. The first type is similar to drained, desert land , from which the life-giving “moisture” - energy - has gone. The second type, on the contrary, is filled with energy, but it has no outlet. As a result, the energy stagnates, turning into a quagmire. Women of the first type look correspondingly “dry”: thin, with dull eyes. A certain rigidity prevails in their character, they are often very religious, which is why they have strict moral principles. Women's energy literally goes into a sieve (exhausting relationships, overly rigid moral principles and beliefs). And often the energy does not flow at all, since the woman blocks all the ways of its passage. A sign of such a blockage are bodily manifestations of “dryness” in the form of a rash, fever, heartburn. Women of another type wall up all the energy inside themselves. External well-being in this case is nothing more than a mask. A woman does not show her emotions, does not feel her femininity. The shackles for energy are lack of confidence in yourself, in your body, and self-rejection. Externally, stagnation of energy manifests itself in swelling, “vatness,” and slowness. At the body level, a woman gets “stagnant” diseases: rhinitis, cysts. Tumors show a place of stagnation of energy. The inability to express kindness and love leads to breast tumors. When a woman acts on male energies, many diseases develop in the female part. What these two types of women have in common is rejection of themselves, their feminine essence. They have no feeling of happiness, life is monotonous and monotonous. In pursuit of success in life, they use their masculine energy, that is, using willpower, logic and rationality. In this case, women live in a male role, forgetting the feeling of feminine energy. Where to start changes in life? I am often asked: “What should I read about this problem?” I answer: unfortunately, books on psychology give results only at the behavioral level, but do not help to work through deep-seated personal problems, the roots of which grow from childhood. If you have already read 10, 20, 100 books on psychology, and you still can’t let go, perhaps something is going wrong. If you want to read “about relationships,” read fiction literature. It’s better since childhood and it’s better a lot. Many people use meditation and working with chakras to boost feminine energies. But they don’t solve their personal problems. Meditation is more a way of developing a man. A woman grows through the love that she cultivates within herself. In individual sessions with a psychologist-art therapist, you will deeply work through problems whose roots grow from childhood, and finally remember that you were born GODDESSES! There is a Goddess in each of us! It is important to rehabilitate the Goddess in.