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When I organized a women’s club in my city, I called it “Radiant Woman”. This name came after reading the book by N. E. Purnis “From a Tired Woman to a Radiant Woman.” I assumed that this would be an open psychological group. I watched women, women transformed, transformed. The Club members changed. Sometimes women got tired of psychological trainings. I wondered why a Woman was born in the first place. Can she just give birth to children? Or maybe work hard at the machine? perhaps teach other people's children science at school? None of this is true. A woman is born for PLEASURE! Pleasure for a woman in the broadest sense is not just a whim, it is a natural life. There is no place for worries and worries. When a girl lives enjoying her life, herself, you want to always be with her. Because it’s easy in space with such a woman. And anyone can relax. Enjoyment is when you enjoy every fragment of your life. When you eat an apple not at one moment, but savor every bite. When you are immersed in the sunset, and inside there is a strong desire to stop for a minute and be completely immersed in this wonderful moment. When on the way you come across a beautiful flower bed with flowers, and you stop to enjoy the sweet aroma that penetrates every cell of the body. A girl can receive pleasure not only through a man. You should not deny yourself pleasure, even if you are alone during this period of your life. You should not perceive this as closed doors to pleasure or failure, just because there is no prince next to you who will give you a beautiful fairy tale. The beginning of a life of pleasure begins with those little things that are in your everyday life. And the pleasure itself begins right now: when you read these lines, smiling and imbued with every letter in the words, every word in the sentence. For you, this is not just a set of letters and words. For you, these are vibrations that you feel to the fullest. You can enjoy everything in your life - the food you eat and taste. Your body, to which you are grateful that you have it the way you have it. A glass of water with lemon. Oils that give you pleasure when you apply them to your feet….Your bed on which you sleep…. The aroma of your kitchen in which you cook delicious food... Beautiful underwear... The incense you light to fill your home with a special atmosphere... Communication with people around you….Pleasure exists only in the present. This means enjoying your life now. Not someday when you lose weight and find your soulmate. Enjoy your body, regardless of the shapes inspired by glossy magazines. And enjoy it as it is Now. Fill your body with blissful sensations and love. And it will respond to all your bright messages in its direction. Enjoy a walk, inhaling the aroma of the autumn forest, park. Pamper yourself now with beautiful jewelry, and not wear it only on holidays. Enjoy the touch of pearls on your neckline. Feel your smooth movements, characteristic only of a woman enjoying herself. Take a bath with aromatic oils and rose petals. You may have noticed that women who, according to your standards of beauty, are not particularly good in appearance, are always next to a man. The secret is simple - these women know how to give themselves pleasure. There will always be someone who wants to be next to you if you fill your space with love and pleasure. Because pleasure is a powerful vibration filled with love and attraction. Love brings more pleasure if it comes from the heart. If it overflows and you give it because you have it in abundance. And you don’t love because you lack love for yourself, and you become attached, falling into dependence. Allow yourself to enjoy and love. Increase self-love and pleasure. And you will see how responsive the world is. And how wonderful life is in….