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Why do we need something new? Balakhonskaya G.V. Audio version of the article here https://www.b17.ru/media/62624/ New things appear in our lives all the time, dear friends. Well, that’s how it is - existence, as they say :) Something changes all the time. Well, you can’t step into the same river twice! :) I’ve written about this more than once. Here, for example, and not only here About fear and interest when meeting something new. New things appear, even though we ordered this new thing, even though we didn’t order it: ) That is, it appears in any case. Well, if we are attentive, we will begin to notice it. We can simply, so to speak, integrate and take it for granted. And, perhaps, we will begin to perceive it as something useful for ourselves :) But if it is not by chance, this new thing happens as if by itself ourselves, and we ourselves are looking for this new thing? That’s why? Why do we need something new? Which we ourselves are looking for. Well, if we think about it? What do we want to get from this new thing? New impressions? New knowledge? New skills? What? But what if, figuratively speaking, we dig deeper? Why do we need this knowledge, skills, impressions? And what do we get, dear friends, when we discover something new for ourselves? And whatever we discover, it expands our previous ones representation.Adds something to us that we didn't have before. Sometimes just a little, almost imperceptibly. And sometimes in a big way. Sometimes in a big way, which is just wow. Sometimes it’s not so easy to comprehend it at once. Well, for example, you met a new person. And he has his own characteristics, his own manners, his own views on life. Sometimes you are not just surprised, but amazed! :) After all, something clearly does not fit into your usual ideas! Well, of course, you may like some things, but not others. But it definitely expands your picture of the world! You understand that this also happens. What does this mean? Which means it enriches your perspective on life. About what happens. Of course, emotions here can be very different. There can be interest, joy, and pleasure. Or maybe fear, and irritation... But you never know what you might experience here! But, nevertheless, it adds information to you about the world! And how will you deal with it, with this information...:) It’s up to you to decide! And it would be better to use this for your own development! For better understanding. Understanding how it works in life. So that, for example, the next time you meet another new person, you understand better that your ideas about life are not everything! :) Well, friends, I gave this example for, so to say, more expressiveness :) And so we constantly receive so much new that you just have time to assimilate :)) But why are we looking for something new when we want this new thing? When do we need it for something and find it interesting? Why? And when we consciously go for something new, are we consciously expanding our horizons? Right? At the same time, we are learning something new for ourselves, right? Knowledge, skills, abilities. That is, by and large, we are developing! So choosing a subject that is truly interesting to us and starting to take steps towards better recognition of it, this is development for us. Why should we development? And then, what is this - the realization of one’s natural potential! Because if not development, then degradation. There are no plateaus in nature. It's either - or! As they say, there is no third option :)) And realizing your potential is a natural human need. Well, you can look at Maslow’s pyramid for clarity:) Do we want to realize our natural potential, dear friends?:) If we want, then we look at ourselves carefully and ask ourselves the question: What is interesting to me? And then we carefully look around (in the broad sense) and determine: What new can I learn about this? And - we allow ourselves this new :)) Well, as you know, the one who walks will master the road! :) Do you need help to better understand yourself? A conversation with a psychologist can make great progress in this direction! So, please contact us, dear friends, we’ll figure it out together. I thank you for your attention! May 18, 2022You can sign up for my consultation here