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“Not yet” “After” “Never” “Always” “Almost” “Open ending” Familiar expressions! Really? Friends, these are not ordinary expressions, these are scenarios or scenario patterns of our lives!1. How do people live with the scenario: “NOT YET?” “Until I finish the renovation, I cannot live and be happy.” Or: “When I retire and start living for myself.” Or: “I’ll pay off my mortgage and go on vacation.” Insert your choice UNTIL.... The main idea of ​​​​this scenario is that something good will not happen or cannot be afforded until something much less good ends. This bad idea. Are you surprised? So this scenario is yours! People living according to such a scenario never allow themselves to live and simply be happy. All their lives, even in the happiest moments, and they are quite rare in life, these people find their “YET NOT” and do not allow themselves to enjoy the moment to the fullest!2. Life scenario: “AFTER” “Today I can be happy, but tomorrow I will have to pay for it.” “A wedding is wonderful, but after it, gray everyday life usually begins.” “Great wine! It’s a pity that tomorrow it will give you a headache.” If You're fine, don't worry, it won't last long. You will have to pay for everything, and doubly for the joys. Familiar thoughts? So this is your scenario. 3. “NEVER.” “I will never get what I want.” A person, as it were, signs his insolvency in advance, which is expressed in boring conclusions and sorrowful lamentations about his fate.4. “ALWAYS”. Why does this always happen to me!? The ability to step on the same rake amazes the very owners of this life scenario. They do their best to preserve something unpleasant instead of just living and rejoicing. These people have been sick all their lives, have bad relationships, wrong love, bad sex, uninteresting work, poverty. 5. "ALMOST". Almost graduated from university, almost got married, almost work. They never finish the job. 6. "OPEN ENDING". A person reaches a goal, but then does not know what to do. After reading this text, I assume that you will be upset to discover almost all behavioral scenarios in yourself. Moreover, in different areas of life, they can be different. And now the VPS is tormented by the question of what to do and how to get out of them? I’ll tell you about this in the next article. Subscribe to my page so as not to miss the important things! Family psychologist. Relationship problems in couples. Cheating, jealousy, coldness, misunderstanding. Short-term therapy for panic attack, phobia, anxiety, psychotrauma, trauma of violence, acute stressful situation. I accept in person in Kazan and online. Write: +79503117621