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From the author: I continue to explore female Archetypes. The series of articles about female Archetypes continues, today part 2. Find part 1 here – https://www.b17 .ru/article/119587/ So, let's consider 3 more female Archetypes - Wife, Bride, Protector-Bereginya. 4. Wife. A happy wife can easily trust a man. He sees him as support and protection and follows him. She knows that the decision the man makes will be the best option for her, because... her needs in this case are also taken into account. She finds just such a man for herself and is a faithful life partner for him, knows how to support and inspire him. At the same time, the Wife does not fall into dependence, merging, she feels herself, understands herself and does not lose herself. A weakly manifested Wife does not think of herself separately from her partner; she is pathologically dependent on her partner. She is not happy with life, many needs are not satisfied and there is a lot of suffering in her life. She endures a lot and does not know how to build her boundaries. And then unconsciously she begins to experience hatred for the opposite sex, men begin to irritate her. This is a weak Wife Archetype. 5. Bride. A well-manifested Bride never holds on to the old, she always moves forward and strives for development. She structures large amounts of information well and in the process of analysis can create something new and important. She easily gets rid of the unnecessary and old, so she can easily move from one status to another, from the protection of her parents to the protection of the groom. The bride uses the resources of her family 100%, full of gratitude to the world, family, life, myself. She understands the nuances and laws of building harmonious relationships. An insufficiently strong Bride has no understanding of how relationships are created, what contribution a woman makes to them, no sense of the value of Men and Women in relationships, the difference in their functions. Such a person is physically ready for relationships, but not trained , does not understand the laws of human interaction. Then there may be a frequent change of partners, but there is no feeling of love, there is neither desire nor readiness to change your life and change yourself. 6. Protector-Bereginya. The task of the Protector-Beregini is to always be healthy in both soul and body, look great, be in shape, be self-sufficient and be able to enjoy life. She knows how to do this. She can be a reliable friend and ally to a man, but she does not suffer from his absence in her life. She is successful in a social environment, self-sufficient. The weak Protector-Beregini has many negative introjects (beliefs) about herself and others. For example, she considers herself too independent and rejects the help of other people. Support becomes something alien to her. She may consider men to be weak creatures and incapable of taking care of themselves. She may even hate them secretly or openly, and sometimes just one word is enough for her to extinguish the entire fuse of a man and discourage him from any desire to act. Also, with a lack of energy from the Protector-Beregin, she will think that she is not good enough and her merits mean nothing and there is no need to even try. You can watch a video about these Archetypes here - https://www.b17.ru/media/21034/# A video about how to work with archetypes - you can look here. Look for a description of other female Archetypes in the following articles. Part 3 is already here. In order not to miss useful material, subscribe to updates! If you liked the article, click "thank you""!