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Lately I’ve heard wonderful phrases from several people: “I have no problems,” “I’m fine.” So you want to say, where is your halo over your head, and if you are crucified, you will return in 3 days? For a person who has problems, the most difficult thing is to honestly admit this to yourself. This means accepting the need to fix yourself. Consequently, the ego will begin to suffer and the feeling will be added that something needs to be done to solve this problem. And this may turn out to be another problem, so the psyche works for protection. And by the way, he spends huge amounts of energy so that, God forbid, you don’t think that you have problems. By problem in this article I do not mean suffering, as many people believe, but some subjective personality traits, circumstances that prevent one from being happy and fully effective. The word problem here does not have a negative connotation. It reflects a state of affairs when the desired is not achieved. You can call them tasks whatever you want. If you come up with another word, write it down, maybe I’ll use it. Thus, if you still think that everything is okay with you, but for some reason you don’t have a halo, then answer honestly 2 questions: 1) Have I achieved everything in this life that I wanted to achieve? 2) Am I truly and 100% happy at every moment? If the answers are positive, then congratulations - I want to see you! I wonder what else you are doing on this planet? If not, then there is something to strive for. There is one nuance regarding aspiration. Striving for goals and a positive state is great! But what if I told you that you can achieve your 5-year goal in a year or even a month? I guess you can say that this is impossible. This is where the main problem lies. These are certain frameworks, subjective ideas that exist about the world and they also prevent you from achieving what you want faster. And they are sooooo hard to get rid of. Often they go to bed with them. It turns out that in the subjective world of a person there are always limitations. They were formed thanks to the society in which a person grew up. Lucky - great, wide frames. No luck - welcome to psychotherapy. In this sense, I want to really emphasize its importance. Every person can achieve more, can achieve faster. But he does not know that this is possible due to his ideas about the world, due to his limitations. And psychotherapy helps to expand boundaries. It helps you become happier, more effective. This saves large amounts of money, time and other resources. Just removing the restrictions on the inability to earn 2-5-10 times more can already save a person a lot of money. But money is not the main thing. The main thing is that the psychological state is leveled out. The person becomes more holistic. He finds himself, finds stability, love, happiness, confidence. And this is already priceless. Live with warmth inside, which warms yourself and those around you.