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You know, there are women who, it would seem, are not at all opposed to meeting an interesting and gallant man, because they are just now in “free swimming”, so to speak. But at the same time, they have such faces as if the whole world owes them something and everything is very bad. They have such a “brick face” and at the same time they are sincerely surprised, why doesn’t anyone get to know them? And all because not every man can decide to do this. Do you know what else is interesting? Yes, it’s very difficult to discern your subtle, vulnerable and such a gentle soul that desires love and warmth when you walk around with such, to put it mildly, not a very friendly expression on your face. I really want to tell a woman who walks and lives with such an expression on her face - “make your face simpler and people will be drawn to you.” After all, it’s not difficult at all - just smile sincerely. It doesn't require that much effort from you. But it really can change your life for the better. So just try it. Well, what do you have to lose, besides your “protective mask” on your face? Finally, get rid of this mask if you really want to meet your love. Open your soul to this wonderful feeling. Yes, perhaps in your past you were hurt and now you subconsciously walk around with an angry and arrogant expression on your face so that no one else dares to offend you in any way. But then how will anyone even dare to get to know you? Should I just at least talk to you? After all, sometimes you get the impression that you can incinerate a person with just one look. Therefore, just relax a little, and then whatever will happen. Don’t think that this “brick face” of yours will ultimately save you from disappointment or some kind of pain. You should also not think that only the most worthy man will be able to see behind this mask of yours a tender and vulnerable girl who so wants love. Not everyone can do this. He may not be able to do it, and the man, at the same time, may actually be very worthy. Well, he just doesn’t know how to read minds, it happens. Therefore, help him a little, for starters, just smile at least a little. And then it’s up to him. Be bolder. Good luck to you! If the article was useful and interesting for you, do not forget to click “thank you” and also subscribe so as not to miss my new articles) Sincerely, Your psychologist, Victoria Kirsta