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So, why do the habits of many people, especially during times of temporary increased stress, include: eating, drinking, excessive smoking, drinking alcohol, taking medications, etc. Why is anxiety necessary? feed and what? Few people ask this question, but it’s a pity...Anxiety can be constructive and deconstructive: - constructive is a controlled process for which you, as an adult, are completely responsible and control, that is, the outcome, the result of this process depends on you. Ask yourself: whose responsibility is in solving this problem? If not yours, then give it to someone who can take this responsibility; - destructive - this has nothing to do with your actions, but you continue to worry about something, for someone, but it is not in your power to influence or control the process. Here is a simple diagram: Situation/thoughts/response/psycho-emotional stress PAS-alcohol, nicotine, drugs, overeating conflict PSD behavior psychosomatic diseases And, as a result, during a consultation you can hear the following phrase: - As soon as I start to lose weight - I start to get sick (?!); or - I don’t eat anything, and as a result, the weight only increases even more... A fitness trainer recommends various restrictions and diets: - I eat this way and you can too... So what is really needed? Don't look for the right diet or food, but look for the right life! We develop the adult part of the personality, as I wrote in the previous article, and find out the psychological needs that need to be enhanced. You can use the “Wheel of Balance” test, which is very popular among coaches, psychologists, psychotherapists and simply those who like to self-actualize themselves and others. Only I have a small amendment: answer honestly and do not strive for 10 points, since this mark is too high, that is, there is nowhere else to strive, and this is not good for the future. So, answer the following questions and rate from 0 to 10 points for each of them (minimum - 1, maximum - 10, but don’t rush with 10 - this does not mean that you have achieved everything): - How satisfied are you with your communication? Do you allow yourself privacy? If so, how much? - Love with a partner. - Rest. How much do you allow yourself to rest? - Entertainment. - The need for security (lack of anxiety). - Self-development in various areas (TV series, tik-toks, entertainment programs are not included in self-development, since the brain does not develop, but falls into the passive part of it ).- Self-realization in various spheres of life. Add the sum and divide by 8. What happened? When a person lives in harmony with himself: mentally and spiritually, then he has no need to overeat or worry. Few people think about managing their own quality of life. And, at the end, an anecdote about a client and a psychologist. A desperate client with suicidal thoughts comes to see a psychologist: - Doctor, I want to end my life? - Wait, have you tried to harden your body? - No. - Well, try it - all the bad thoughts will go away and you will want to live again. - Doctor, I tried, but I still don’t want to live. - Oh, have you tried running in the morning? - No. - So, try it, and the desire for life will return to you with renewed vigor! - Doctor, I’m afraid that this won’t help me either. - Oh, you try it. Then tell us about your impressions! The client did not come to the: 8-918-131-72-76