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For many years in a row we have been talking about stress resistance. This is an excellent skill for a modern adult and professional who understands that he always lives and works under stress. And he does not suffer from it, but manages it, without bringing him to distress, where total self-destruction is already underway. Stress resistance is a set of competencies that consists of: 1. Emotional intelligence skills, where you can understand your emotions, accept and choose how to act to improve your life. 2. A set of self-regulation skills, where you have developed personal ways to bring yourself into order and balance3. Building your own life balance, where you know how to distribute attention and energy between spheres of life, so that, like inhalation and exhalation, you organize the inflow and outflow of energy without creating a deficit.4. And of course, your big goals that lead you forward, because those who understand the “Why” will overcome any “How”. Have you developed this set of competencies? City residents have needed it for a long time, and without it we have seen neuroses, anxiety disorders and depression, addictions and many other problems. But the world does not stand still and the challenge for modern man is no longer so much resistance to stress, but also global resilience. For me, the symbol of resilience is the tumbler. There is no way we can live without this skill, especially a modern leader. No matter how many attempts are made to put her down, she gets up and smiles. So resilience will be the last stress resistance. Simply put, resilience consists of a person’s meta skills that help to survive and develop as effectively as possible: 1. Mindfulness. Where awareness is not knowledge or understanding, but rather managing your expanded attention and being in every moment. A person who tries to control everything and is afraid immediately turns into a horse in blinders with tunnel vision. Awareness is a relaxed skill and it means your full presence in the moment to make the most correct decisions, taking into account many factors. 2. Flexibility of behavior and thinking, where you can let go of your hypotheses and expectations and act (from awareness it becomes clear how) in contact with reality, changing your behavior, like a surfer on an ocean wave.3. Will, where the power of your will is not at all the ability to force yourself! “Will” is freedom, which means willpower is the ability to put constant effort into what you choose. Of course, taking into account the previous points in full, because you have to constantly change your choice during changes!4. Philosophy of life, as the ability to see a more holistic picture and, most likely, even beyond the current circumstances and even your life. This is based on the real mission, spirituality and strength of your life values. The book “Say YES to Life”5 is still an example for us. The ability to manage your energy. Without gasoline, the car will not move, and without energy, all the previous points will not work. Whether you like it or not, if you want to resist and develop, it is important to manage your energy consciously! Take care of your health, do relaxation practices in any form, play sports and fulfilling hobbies. 6. An important point will also be the environment, but at this point it happens both due to the environment and in spite of it. This is both good and depends on whether you are a loner for whom it is important to push away from the crowd or whether you are a team member. Although no one has canceled the trend for cooperation. Resilience is a complex meta-skill and it is developing. He will not appear just like that, and it is far from a fact that if life hits you with all its might, he will definitely appear. It is much better to grow it consciously, so that at any moment you can resist and move on, and there are very, very many such moments in our lives in all areas. Channel Activator of Love and Reason - https://t.me/aktivatorlubvi, immediately after subscribing - a gift in the clip© Levitskaya Lilia, 2023. All rights reserved