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This article was written as an answer to the question “Confessing your feelings to someone without knowing the answer in advance - I wonder what problems such a confession can solve? Just to ease the soul?” In my opinion, to ease the soul is not the only or even the main result of such recognition. Let's try to figure it out. “Relief of the soul” is more of a metaphor; if you delve deeper into it, it will become clear that as a result of the expression of feelings, a certain tension that existed earlier finally found a way out, a release. However, where did this tension come from? Carroll Izard, citing studies by several authors, writes: “In a person experiencing an emotion, it is possible to record a change in the electrical activity of the facial muscles... changes are also observed in the electrical activity of the brain, in the functioning of the circulatory and respiratory systems... the pulse of an angry or frightened person can be 40- 60 beats per minute exceed normal... changes in somatic (i.e. bodily - A. Klimov) indicators when a person experiences a strong emotion indicate that almost all neurophysiological and somatic systems of the body are involved in this process.” [1] Based on this, the tension that existed in the body reflects those changes in our body that inevitably accompany the experience of certain emotions. And like any changes, when they reach a certain threshold, they can cause harm. Thus, the first reason to express your emotions and feelings is the prevention of psychosomatic disorders, that is, bodily ailments caused by certain mental phenomena. But even this is not all and not the main thing. Almost always, behind our emotions lie our needs, and in at least two senses. Firstly, emotions themselves motivate our behavior and, as already mentioned, prepare our body to react in a certain way. Thus, anger presupposes aggressive behavior, guilt, through moral feelings, encourages one to compensate for the harm caused (often fictitious, it should be noted), etc. Secondly, emotions are a good marker pointing to little-recognized needs. Thus, anger often arises in a situation where our needs are blocked by something external, in fact, then it is aimed at eliminating this “external”; behind resentment there is often an unsatisfied need for intimacy with a certain person; fear is often the other side of our desires. Specific meanings are always are individual, the ones described above are rather the most common options, but these meanings exist, and if a person does not “suppress” his negative experiences, but allows himself to “follow the vector of his feelings,” then he often finds a personal meaning, a need behind his emotions , a value, and a completely creative one. Thus, the second reason to express your feelings is the realization of your desires, needs, contact with your real system of values. But that's not all. So far we have touched only one person, but not the relationship between people. Experiencing genuine human relationships is impossible without the emotional component of the relationship, it is not without reason that for many people indifference is worse than anger. By expressing feelings towards another person, you not only realize your desires, you, in fact, invite the other to participate in their realization, and if your desire addressed to him and the form of presentation suits the other person, then there will be more of a closer relationship. In addition, by communicating your feelings, you become clearer to your partner. Even if that feeling is anger. Now the person knows that by some of his behavior he provokes this feeling, i.e. limits the fulfillment of some of your needs, and if he wishes, he can act differently. A huge number of quarrels are caused by the fact that a person does not inform his partner in a timely manner that by some of his actions he is causing suffering and even deliberately hides any signs of displeasure, even controlling facial expression. But then the partner.