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It so happened that I asked these questions to my clients. And there was a lot of silence on the other side. Caution. Some answers were voiced immediately, but clients wanted to think about some things more deeply and for a long time. This task, consisting of questions, will help you rethink your life, look at many things differently, better understand your values ​​and rethink something. It cannot be done immediately and not in one day. But don’t delay. The task will consist of two parts. So, part one. Imagine that tomorrow you will die. This is the last day of your life. Answer yourself honestly the questions below: Who will you spend your last day of life with? What will you do? What will you say to whom? Where will you spend this day? What do you spend more time on? What do you leave without attention? Who do you call and what calls do you drop? Who do you want to hug and kiss? What do you want to convey and to whom? What do you want to throw away so that no one will ever find/know? What to say, what’s taking so long about were silent? Reflect. It’s better to write it down so you can re-read it later. With your answers you will reveal many of your values. What and who is more important to you than anything else, what gives you warmth, smiles, and joy. Which people are important and which ones are not so important. Now think about how, throughout your days, you live your most significant values? Are you spending time with the people you care about? How much time do you spend in your favorite places and devote time to important things in your life? Analyze yourself now to see how your life matches up with how you answered the questions above! Honestly. The second part of the task is this: imagine that you are at your funeral. What would people at that funeral say about you? Who would be there? Who cried for you? What is written on the tombstone? What would you like people to say about you? Or perhaps someone specific? (with this question contact with the present begins). >>> Where can you start now to get closer to who you want to be? Re-evaluate your life with these two-part questions. Right now. Our life is so fleeting. We never know when our last day will be. Go and live. Change things based on the answers to your questions. You won't have any other time. Create your own happy life Your psychologist Ekaterina Goman To sign up for a consultation in convenient messengers +79127316121 VK group https://vk.com/psygoman Telegram channel https://t.me/psygoman