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At the moment of trauma, a split personality occurs (of a person or a small child), and the injured part makes certain decisions about itself, about its abilities and capabilities, about the world around it. For example - “I am weak, I have nothing it won't work out. It’s better that I don’t do anything at all so that I don’t get punished” or, on the contrary, “I’m strong, I shouldn’t show my sensitivity, show my tears, I must, I must endure, and so on” - these are irrational, destructive beliefs and instructions. They are accepted out of fear of being rejected, punished, or deprived of something, but they serve for survival and maintaining a sense of security. As a result, these decisions and destructive beliefs lead to the formation of a scenario. A script is a subconscious plan for a person’s life. The basis/framework of a life script is formed during pregnancy (conception, gestation, childbirth) and in the period up to 2 years, from 2 to 5 the content of the script is formed and it is “recorded” in the subconscious of the child, up to 7 years the script is being finalized, and after 7 years it is “played out.” The whole point is that until the age of 3, a child is not critical. Parents’ statements about others, about themselves, about the child, their life example, the personal decisions of the smallest person - all this determines the main content of the scenario and the corresponding behavior strategies. It is in childhood that it is laid down how a person will subsequently feel - whether he will feel like a loser or a winner, will he be able to defend himself, trust people and take care of loved ones. But not everything is so sad, the life scenario can and should be changed - this is what we do in individual therapy. Changing the scenario, healing trauma occurs in the following way - we find your traumatized part, take it away from the destructive scenario, find a solution to the conflict, change the program, change beliefs , we return the strength and energy that was spent on maintaining this program, we replenish feelings and resources. The post was written using materials from Batyuta M.B. Life script, changing life script, healing trauma